Originally Posted by Dexai
Originally Posted by zyr1987
In fact, I would say going back to 90s would be a step backwards, if only because I still remember the godawful pathfinding in BG I and II. Trying to leave a map and hearing "You must gather your party before venturing forth" repeatedly because Minsc or Jaheira decided to take a long, circuitous, or completely blocked route was far, far more frustrating than DOS 2 and BG III movement ever was at its worst, in my opinion. (also, I literally never saw the point of formations, so there is that)

Which have nothing to do with what people are complaining about? Bad pathfinding is bad pathfinding regardless of how you control the characters. If there was bad pathfinding that would just make the chaining system even worse because every time a character took a detour you'd have to go through the tedious chore of unchaining and rechaining the characters before you take control of them and lead them right, otherwise your whole party will just turn around on the spot and run back to the detoured character instead of staging where you want them.

See for example Astarion in the Owlbear cave choosing to rather run a lap around the whole area, straight into the face of the Owlbear, rather than pass over the tiniest stream of running water with the rest of your party. Talk about great pathfinding >_>
That's probably because he would take damage, and it would be even more annoying if he just walked straight through something that would injure him than taking the long road around.

I honestly hope you have a most marvelous day!