If it were up to me I'd make teamwork abilites. Characters would have to be a certain distance between each other and it would cost an action and a bonus action, but you'd get an ability to use depending on the class combination. Like say a wizard and a fighter could get a ability where the wizard can take a spell and put it into the fighters weapon and with the swing you unleash a magic blast depending on the spell and weapon for aoe shape, damage output, and damage type. Another example could be two fighters where one is sword and shield and the other is using a two hander. Sword and shield fighter makes a spring board with a shield to launch the other fighter in the air for a big damage swing that could double as a jump.

I mean you have a team but they don't work together from what I've seen. It would make all classes more fun and make class choice more meaning full. Would indirectly solve the range problem. Maybe. Probably not. Sorry.