Originally Posted by Ayvah
I think it does make a good point though. The intellect devourer is certainly not the only thing that's horrific/disgusting in the game.

No one said it was. The argument is that it goes to a different level than scenes like the one with the fishermen, and is the only scene so far that does so.

Originally Posted by Ayvah
However, if you're not prepared to feel a somewhat disgusted or horrified during some scenes of the game then I think it's best that you sit this one out.

And the argument here is that digging someone's brain out of their skull with your bare hands in a cutscene close-up goes beyond being somewhat disgusting. I played both Divinity: Original Sin games, both rated M, neither went for gross-out horror on this scale. Maybe they would have if cutscenes were a thing in those games - close-ups of elves feasting on body parts anyone? - and they're taking advantage of their new toy to play around in a way they couldn't before, I dunno, but I hope it's out of their system.