Originally Posted by fylimar
He has very high armor class or maybe it's some magic. But I was only able to kill him, when I put himto sleep first. He didn't take any damage before.
I did reload though, because I thought, he might be one of Ethels victims.

Er, AC is irrelevant to saving throw spells.

I just went and poked the frog with one of my save files... just Dia, my warlock. Started combat, hexed it, and then cast dissonant whispers on it, it failed its saving throw (13-1), took 14 damage and died.

It's reflective mucus just reflects projectiles, and it goes away as soon as it does one, and it gets mirror image for free when combat starts, which in larain-verse means that it has a large boost to AC, which decreases with each miss rolled against it. It doesn't have any particular defence against saving throw spells, or any other source of guaranteed damage (as most leveled damage-dealing spells are)

It doesn't seem like it's meant to be a hugely challenging fight.... what's its damage output like? The couple of times I reloaded and repeated the fight, it never got a turn where it had control enough to attack.