You don't need to be friends to have a good time.
Punching Solas?
Also OP: -Technically- it is Spell slots. Not Skill slots :P
What do you call it when a fighter gets to use Second Wind once per rest? I don't call it a spell. :P
I'm being generic because they're roughly the same mechanic. I'm a progressive so I like to use inclusive language where possible. #allskillsmatter
The challenge is that HP bloat (HP bloat is referring to lowering AC and raising HP to compensate) has increased the incentive to spam spells. The current game meta involves taking down enemies by always putting your best spell forward. which requires a follow up rest. A lot of folks have advocated to be more true to DnD 5e. At this point I think it'd be good to bounce ideas on how Larian could add fun homebrew to the game.
I see your point. Personally, I don't think we should be expecting pure D&D, but on the other hand I don't want to throw out the rulebook. I think the HP bloat you're referring to is just a consequence of it being a video game.
Save scumming is one of the big things a video game needs to be built around.
I think adding expendable material components is one of the best ways to balance the future game meta. It'll keep uses of strong spells, like Fireball, in check while allowing the character to more freely use other spells.
This also sounds like it'd be a bit of a micromanagement chore.
Longr rest :
- Spellslot recovery (automatic)
- Use features/spell ritual (manual)
- Level up (manual)
- Spell preparation (manual)
- Other activity
I think this is your tabletop bias a bit. The last thing you want to do in a tabletop game is hold up the game and interrupt the roleplaying mid-adventure to start the micromanagement by breaking out the manuals and rewriting the character sheets. So you level up only after it's over. Video games are different. You have a computer to make it easy for you, and there's good odds you're playing by yourself so no one's going to complain.
I don't think there's any reason to defer the level up process till later, especially because it means having to manage multiple level ups at the same time, and that means that having to do a little bit of micromanagement at a time, you have to do a LOT all at once while performing "other activities" and that is going to be a pain in the ass. You know there are CRPGs where the game just does the levelling up
for you if you want? You just click a button!
Last time I played a video game that was so stingy with its level ups was
Might & Magic: Darkside of Xeen. Good times.
2) the second thing is that we shouldn't be able to click rest everywhere. Resting shouldn't just be a button.
Short rest : Only on specific spot designed on the map.
Why do short rests need to be in specific locations on the map? I don't recall any rule in D&D that says short rests need to be in a specific location. Aren't you just chilling out for a bit?
I really don't think short rests need to be complicated. If your location is relatively safe, click a button and recover some of your strength so you can push onward. It shouldn't be a big deal.
See how it work in Kingmaker to understand how "non-D&D activities" could be implemented.
I think it's interesting you mention this without commenting at all on
Expeditions: Viking, which is much closer to your suggestion than
Pathfinder: Kingmaker, where you can camp basically anywhere. Maybe you should take a look?
For me it doesn't make sense from a roleplaying perspective when I'm in a dungeon I travel all the way back to a bascecamp and trigger story-plots just to take a long rest.
See the example from
Final Fantasy XV or
Pathfinder: Kingmaker. Who needs a basecamp? Just find a safe space and bring the camp to you.