Originally Posted by ldo58
I couldn't watch, but such an event to announce one new class does seem like overkill.
Waiting for the release notes to see what bugs were fixed. I hope they did something to improve the camera movement to avoid watching floors and rocks while battle's going on out-of-sight.
I take it from the comments above that improvement of movement and ridiculous series of combat misses weren't addressed either.
The recording:

There is a new loaded dice option which makes the die roll less extreme (clusters the results more around 10 if I understood it right) which should address series of misses a bit (they are not totally gone though)

Originally Posted by Lunar Dante
Originally Posted by Ixal
Don't put too much hope into that. I doubt WotC has too much influence on Larian now although it would depend on the actual contract. But even if WotC threatens to not make future deals with them, which is probably the worst thing they can do, Larian has its own IP and does not depend on it.
I also doubt that WotC has a problem with Larian bending the rules. They are on a big D&D marketing offensive with games and the upcoming movie, so likely care more about a flashy presentation and name dropping than staying true to their rules.
Especially as with the recent books WotC has started to modify rules quite heavily themselves.

Could we count on your signature for the petition ?

Sorry, no.
I do not believe in online petitions and in the end Larian should make the game they want and the commercial success or failure will prove them right (or not).

Last edited by Ixal; 17/02/21 09:34 PM.