Originally Posted by RickorTreat
I'm not a huge fan of trash mobs myself, I feel like they're normally just placed on the map because the developer felt like "I've designed this huge map. I should probably put SOMETHING here." If given the choice between a trash mob and a story encounter, or even a non combant encounter, I'll always pick the latter.

Totally agree with this.

Originally Posted by RickorTreat
Personally, when I really want the visceral experience of being an adventurer, I don't feel like RTwP takes it far enough. I'm surprised I don't see more people advocating this game go even further and become an open world, Skyrim-style ARPG.

I've actually become more accepting of open-world ARPGs recently on account of really loving Witcher 3. Even DA:I is okay with me. But I need such games to be third-person. Just can't handle first-person.

Originally Posted by RickorTreat
At the end of the day, it just sounds like we want something different from the game. I want an emulation of the tabletop game I enjoy and view a D&D game without turns like I do a chess game without turns.
This is an honest justification for wanting TB, and I respect it. It's just that it is decidedly NOT for me. The primary reason I would play a tabletop game is for the camaraderie of friends and drinking beer, eating pizza, and cracking questionable jokes. For the game itself I much prefer playing by myself, and indeed a huge part of my love for video games is that they are my escape from the real world and from annoying people (hence why I will never play multiplayer). smile