My biggest fears for the game are if:

1) Reactions (including held action) remains completely improper implemented or abandoned. This breaks the game on a tactical level. Reaction is a complete layer gameplay that would be a shame to remove from a class mechanic standpoint (spells like shield and counterspell, sneak attack on reaction attack, etc).

Furthermore, held action or "overwatches" is essential to keeping turnbase games "fair". I should probably start a thread on this, but without held action, anyone with superior mobility can basically just kite the enemy to death, by running in, shooting, and running away out of range into cover (out of line of sight).

2) Multi-classing is abandoned or fumbled. That would kill the replay value of this game tremendously for me. If multiclassing isn't there, we're looking at going from thousands of class combinations to perhaps only 24 (12 core classes, 2 subclasses each)

3) The chain/unchain movement system remains at launch. Not only is this system clumsy to use without offering deep benefits, I am personally of the mindset that this movement system unbalances combat for a certain segment of players. Simply put, if you're a new player or a player who can't be bothered fighting the chain system to move your characters carefully (spread them out, in formation, etc), chances are you'll start every fight in a highly disadvantageous position (clumped together on lower ground).

4) Lingering "DOS engine limitations" affecting gameplay and rules. I'm okay with Larian trying out new things and ways to make the game they want, but if some of that is strictly chosen because it's easier to implement that way in the DOS engine (which I actually think is a great engine because of the immense freedom it gives compared to Unity and IE), that is a problem. Examples I see so far:
  • Changing spears to 2 hand weapons (can't use shields) because that was how it was in DOS 2
  • The "highlight interactable objects" button only highlight some of everything you can interact with because that's how it worked in DOS
  • The terrible barter system straight from DOS (including the pay the vendor now for cheaper discounts later mechanic that's thinly hidden right now)
  • The horrendous looting system (have to loot each interactable object (some which won't be highlighted) individually)
  • The D&D unfriendly UI - terrible character sheets and messy hot bar design
  • Reactions and movement being an issue per above