Originally Posted by Niara
Originally Posted by KillerRabbit
1. Books! The new books are good. We get a primmer on the weave, a treatise on soul coins and some more details on the waar between Gith and the mind flayers. Getting closer to the BG experience where you could get learn Forgotten Realms lore from libraries. (but Larian, make the books a bit longer please)

2. Ground triggers for conversations are near quick travel gates. Gives more frequent banters and the banters make more sense. Astarian is now talking about goblins in the goblin camp and not in the underdark.

3. New dialogues. I liked having a theology battle with Khorga. Ahh, but Silvanus also says . . . Nice job, priests of the same religion should try and settle disagreements by making references to their sacred texts.

Here's my question...

Why were NONE of these points in the actual patch notes... when they spent note space scrabbling for things to say and talked about fixing goblins peeing three times?

Good question

In one of the early promos Larian featured the head writer and she impressed me. I think they should bring her back to talk about the story and let the boys who want to laugh about how they are breaking the rules sit one out.