Originally Posted by DuskHorseman
Originally Posted by Scribe
An 'Evil' play through of BG2 is the single best way to show how to properly handle the Evil alignment I have ever seen in text or games.

They are all distinct characters, with depth, and history and motivation that is far beyond Chaotic Stupid.

The romance option there, blows anything in this game out of the water.

Honestly it's a meme to compare this game to BG2. It's not close.
Scribe, I mean this in the *nicest* way possible. What are you doing here, man? You've mentioned you gave up on the game ever being good. What makes you tarry here any longer if this game is something you dislike? I'm not trying to be rude, I genuinely want to know.

Waiting. There is no way Larian just let's this game flounder while they focus on romance options.

So I'm waiting for the updates that will make me log in again. I'm already satisfied I can fix a lot of the issues so what I specifically want is.

A way to skip cut scenes.
Better movement system.

I'll take 2 out of 3....