Originally Posted by Dez
* Gale - Could work, but his obsession with his goddess puts my character on high alert (and I am also quite certain he is a lot darker than he appears to be, I'll bring him on full release just to confirm :D). While goddess-obsessed characters can make for good companions (looking at you, Tristian, you're as sweet as sugar), I'll admit my current experience with good/neutral oriented religious-obsessed characters is decent at best.

It's funny how many people here have played Pathfinder Kingmaker.

About the 'playersexuality' discussion: It is the convenient, lazy solution. Of course I was angry I had to play a girl to romance Suvi in Mass Effect - the arguably cutest one with an accent to die for. But at the same time, it was adding to her character. If characters always do what the player wants, they are less interesting, less believable. Characters need to disagree or even attack the player.