Originally Posted by GM4Him
Baldur's beats Solasta, in my opinion, in a LOT of ways. I love BG3 a lot more than Solasta because I feel a lot more drawn in by BG3. It has better graphics, better cutscenes, is more emotionally stimulating, the models are better, there is a lot more replayability and a lot more diversity in regards to where you can go and what you can do (at least in the Act 1 areas we are given. Solasta has BG3 beat now in that you can now travel the world map with the latest Patch, able to go to different world map locations). The story is more engaging and the acting, at least in my opinion, is better in BG3. BG3 has a LOT more potential to be a LOT more awesome than Solasta.
So what you are saying is, that BG3 has budget grin. I need to give Solasta a go. I found the demo during crowdfunding very promising, and I liked very much what I have seen in Retcon Raiders playthrough. Solasta is definitely small in scope and small team and budget really shows, still I will take one thing done well, then a hodgepodge of conflicting ideas and designs. Looking at Solasta UI doesn't even seem that good (not talking about looks which are plain). It's just doing a normal, functional UI that RPGs have been doing for last 20 years.

Larian thinks it is making an MMO. And to be fair, the UI in D:OS2 didn't bother me that much when I played in COOP - managing only two characters and having lots of downtime when waiting for your coop partner means that one has time to clean up their UI every hour or so. Still, if I am in a mood for a tedious, monotone work I clean my flat, not play games.