Hello! This is my first post on these forums but I wanted to share my character smile

She's a high sun elf rogue (or bard? Rogue/bard multiclass? We'll see when Larian releases the bard class) named Anya (real name is Yavanna, but she'd rather not use it in case someone uses it to track her down). Born into poverty and adopted into nobility, Anya was forcibly married to a noble high elf in Baldur's Gate after the death of her mother. Ten years prior to the start of the game, Anya escaped her marriage and fled Baldur's Gate after a group of bandits attacked her and her husband's carriage. She was on her own and learning rogue tricks, until she had a tadpole forcibly put into her brain.

She's chaotic neutral and romances Astarion--they both had their fair share of abusive masters and bond over it.

[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]

[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]