Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
And that is exactly what i dont understand ...
You say you dont want to do that ... yet you would do that ... but why would you, if you dont want to?
And dont try to tell me you need to, since if you need to, that would mean that everyone need to, and since i have 324h played on this game, and i never needed to "constantly moving slots around" ... its clearly not needed. O_o

And one more think i dont quite understand ...
If this sugestion will be included, and we get "button" that will allow us acess to all our spells at once ...
I dare to presume it would work the same as curent popup menus, we allready have ... meaning we will not be able to rearange our spells.
Where is difference between having "all spells in the row" on hotbar ... and having "all spells in the row" in popup menu after you push the button? How is that suppose to be anyhow clearer? laugh

What is there not to understand? I don’t want to micromanage. Having a giant hotbar forces me to micromanage to properly play the game. I move stuff around because I HAVE to not because I want to.

Solasta works like a flow chart. It provides me with a list of all my options and then guides me. It’s incredibly simple but elegant. Honestly at this point all I can tell you is try it yourself if you are willing to spend the money. I think plenty of people have explained in this thread why BG3 can improve their UI in a significant way.

And I never understood why people post how many hours they played as if playing a ton of hours makes them an expert. All it tells me is they are more tolerant of accepting mediocrity.