Originally Posted by Sharp
The subreddit has the stereotype of being the place to discuss romances at the moment, which means by its stereotype, its already a different group of people. Those are the people you need to get complaining about this. I know you actively post about this here, occasionally on the RPG Codex and rarely on the subreddit. If you really want to have an impact, then you should take a leaf from the book of Pink Eye and his campaign for monks in Wrath of the Righteous, where he was all over the place, on reddit, on various forums, in twitch chats, on twitter, in youtube comments sections, on steam and even making posts on 4chan. You could not go somewhere without seeing Pink Eye's monk campaign, but at the same time, he didn't have 1000's of comments concentrated in a single place on the subject.
Why are you even assuming I didn't already?

Reddit thread


Plus an unquantifiable number of posts where I brought up the issue on Era, NeoGAF, RPG Codex, Youtube comments, the local italian gaming forum I moderate and more.
Just for the record, the reaction was almost inevitably the same wherever the argument came up: near-uniform unanimity about how the system sucks.

P.S. This is not even the only issue I "championed" in more place than once. Just the one I care about the most. By a wide margin, too.

Last edited by Tuco; 09/04/21 08:58 PM.

Party control in Baldur's Gate 3 is a complete mess that begs to be addressed. SAY NO TO THE TOILET CHAIN