Originally Posted by CJMPinger
Originally Posted by Aishaddai
Yeah that looks right to me. Serving an evil god does not mean you are an Oath Breaker. Usually Oath of Conquest are the default Evil paladins. Oath of Vengeance is usually true neutral or neutral good. The rest of the Oath's are various goods. Its only Oath breakers that are horrible and awkward imo. As a player I'd suggest just choosing Oath of Conquest if you want to be evil.

Evil gods muddled things for awhile but Oath of Conquest fixed that in my opinion.

I can see that, though an Archetype I like is actually a good Oathbreaker (which would have to be in something that is not the Faerun setting) where for whatever reason said character has become disillusioned with their god or the gods in general and have abandoned their title as a Paladin of said god. They could be trying to figure out if they want to serve a different god or be simply a godhater who still wants to do good despite hating the good gods and still hates the evil gods. Alternatively they could be serving a new god as a cleric but the Oathbreaker parts could signify that they still spurned their old god or are being spurned by that old god and thus have some lasting effects.

Err the point of my rambling is that while Evil Deities muddle up how many perceive Oathbreakers, I have always seen them as an archetype that can be flexible even if the MM says, "An oathbreaker is a paladin who breaks their sacred oaths to pursue some dark ambition or serve an evil power. Whatever light burned in the paladin's heart been extinguished. Only darkness remains," because I often times see morality as a little subjective and skewed by perspective at points, and gods can sometimes have some very extreme perspectives that abandon any sense of people being complex with many not evil reasons to do evil acts.

tldr; Even though many see Oathbreakers different from how they were before, I have always seen them a bit more different.

Yeah I get you.

However, personally I'd be wary of seeking uniqueness through complexity. Good and evil are not actually subjective. The perception of them are easily manipulated though. It mostly derives from the false narrative that "being good is stupid or somehow less than desirable". The popular derogatory term is usually goody two shoes or mary sue. When in reality the opposite is true. Strength of ones convictions to stick to ones morals. Wisdom to see through the lies. Aragon from Lord of the Rings sometimes comes to my mind when I want to make certain characters.

The thing is to turn your back on good means you really aren't good. In Dnd the God's portfolio means everything unless you are Ao the Over God. They stick to their stuff. If you went through the trouble of devoting yourself to them without fully understanding then thats on you. To be grey morally means you want to justify evil actions. It's why in a lot of older mature literature humans are deemed evil. So are lawyers for example lol.

Good and evil aren't extremes but titles like goody two shoes and cartoon villan are. Its why alignment is good. People don't have alignments for personality, rather they have personality that can be described as alignment. Their is a difference. The ones who hate it usually just want to justify evil and even in some cases inconsistent behavior. Which is realistic for some who are actually inconsistent lol. Paladin's require consistency and its part of what made them strong. Its why God's lent their power with trust. Imagine trying to explain to a good god why you turned your back on another good god. I would assume they would look at you sideways for a while lol.

I didn't think you were rambling. I enjoy stories. That's how I see things.

Last edited by Aishaddai; 12/04/21 12:25 AM.