Originally Posted by Sordak
well ive made a pretty lenghty post on how id figure id come to a solution on this.
but the subsequent replies in the thread are just 7 pages of these three things:

1. demanding to remove "silly" things opposed to "gritty and realistic" things while failing to define what these are
2. demanding to return to RAW, posts clearly made by people that dont know RAW 5e and how it is too barebones to be a video game
3. congratulating each other on beeing upset about it

and man one thing i just cannot leave uncommented.
5e RAW is a good tactical game! hahahha oh dios mio!

You cannot even flank in 5e RAW, you cant do it!
you cannot flank, you cannot charge you cannot distract an enemy.
None of these thigns are possible in RAW outside of feats (which are not in the standard RAW mind you) or class features.
5e is a TERRIBLE tactical combat game.

You can distract an ennemy with the help action

(+you can dodge, you can "ready", you can grab, you can prone target,... Nothing of this is possible in BG3).

Looks to me that D&D could lead to a VERY GOOD tactical video game. BG3 is not far from being a very good tactical game with WAY MORE possibilities than in any other games, thanks to D&D + Larian's imagination.

Balancing their homebrew rules would give us all D&D possibilities in addition of theirs - verticality, explosions, dipping etc...

The only thing that won't ever happen is the cover mechanic and to be honnest, I wouldn't missed it if the whole game wasn't only balanced arround their limited and sometimes WTF custom mechanics.

But I'm more a tactical TB game player that know D&D's rules than a D&D TT player.

Last edited by Maximuuus; 18/04/21 10:04 AM.

French Speaking Youtube Channel with a lot of BG3 videos : https://www.youtube.com/c/maximuuus