Originally Posted by mrfuji3
I mean, you do already somewhat choose your protagonist's sexuality through your choices of who to romance. There doesn't need to be a specific flag that you choose at character creation.

I think a better option would be to add more dialogue options to when companions proposition you if you accept/reject them, including of course a "none of your business why I don't want to sleep with you" option.
Agreed. I don't want that who do you dream of crap to have a sexuality flag at all. I still want to pretend it can be anyone important in your life (good or bad) including someone you have no sexual interest in. smile

Originally Posted by Dez
I very much agree with everything you said. There should be options to at least temporary stop romantic advances, but - if I would have it my way, it wouldn't be permanent. Especially not if Larian is planning to do some big plot twists and/or character development.
As someone who thinks romance in games is completely pointless and unnecessary, I agree with you. I don't mind having to ignore dialogue options multiple times just to not have to have this stuff in my game, most likely it would be something I would never say anyway (like other dialogues in any conversation.) Perhaps there should be dialogue options all the way up to the last act of the game (at which point companion personalities would most likely be finalized) that would allow the player to express interest in someone. I would say even further in but most likely those who like this stuff want time for it to develop a bit?