Originally Posted by Zarna
Originally Posted by Miravlix
Then maybe computer D&D just isn't your kind of game.

You can't make a DM rest system in a computer game, so all your doing is making mage tax rules and that seems really brightness challenged.

Day/Night because of the "story" elements of the camp, but otherwise go with an unlimited short rest where everyone can refresh including mage/clerics, but add in that if you rest in a dungeon with live encounters they will patrol and notice and attack or be way harder to fight. The world is already way to static, like you can kill and no one notice and the corps just stay around.

So you can rest in a situation where time isn't a factor, but make it impossible to do a little goblin killing then rest with no time reaction from the goblins.
So you are saying that mages should get to rest every five minutes so they can use all their spell slots in every battle? That seems "brightness challenged" to me. Balancing classes is necessary, especially when we get to higher level spells. I didn't play much of the first two BG but there was a decent rest system in the form of fatigue, seems that it worked fine for computer DnD.

Originally Posted by fallenj
It generally feels like a unfinished feature, I can't imagine it'll be left like how it is for full release.
Agreed and I really hope they modify it a lot.

There is a reason the whole "fatigue" system, or "damaged armor" system has basically been removed from 99% of these type of games and MMOs. Most people do not like them, and find them restraining. There really should be no type of limit of long rests per day, considering there is actually no time tracking system (day/night cycle) in the game to begin with. Who knows, maybe they will integrate the whole day/night thing. But I am thinking since it is not integrated by early access, I am not confident it will be added at all. But again, who knows until launch day. I just don't see how anyone can say that mages are somehow OP in this game, considering the bulk of their spells miss. If anything, I have found the melee fighters to be way more OP than the casters.