Originally Posted by Naerytar
I know it reached meme status in D:OS 2, but can you please just tone it down a bit. The background dialogue is so insanely repetitive... how many times can you hear the "I care about our lives, our future" speech before it gets boring?

Right now NPCs start talking about every 45 seconds. Maybe increase that to 2 minutes or even longer.
I have honestly no idea why Larian struggles so much to come to term with this crap.
We aren't even talking about the need to make these banters "20% less frequent".
We are talking about the urgent need to make them an entire order of magnitude more sparse. Like, a TENTH of what's now. Even better if we could just hear a banter ONCE for every time we visit a given area (and offering a couple of variations for it would be icing the cake).

It becomes INCREDIBLY jarring if you have the unfortunate idea to start sorting your inventory or equipment around one of these chatty NPCs... And at some point you are basically forced to give up, close everything and move elsewhere out of sheer exasperation.

Last edited by Tuco; 27/04/21 08:37 AM.

Party control in Baldur's Gate 3 is a complete mess that begs to be addressed. SAY NO TO THE TOILET CHAIN