Enemies having more spell slots or higher stats is poor design. It makes your player character feel inferior when you find that out through examining the enemies.

Why are we limited to 28 point buy and how did some random miniboss get much higher stats? Why does your PC, the hero, look like a commoner compared to random NPCs?

It feels unfair in a bad way.

Take Minthara for example. She's not threatening in any way, one of the easiest fights. But her stats are much higher than your PCs, probably to make her a tougher opponent. But they could have designed her as a level 8 Cleric with lower stats instead. She could actually be a better fight and a real threat with 4th level spells. You would defeat a higher level enemy who uses impressive powers unavailable to you.

That would be unfair in a good way.

Last edited by 1varangian; 28/04/21 07:54 AM.