Originally Posted by Alexandrite
Originally Posted by dwig
Put in the time to do it right or don't do it at all. Don't just put in a bad scene so that you can advertise romanceable companions.

Why is it a bad scene? We only have the companion conversations at the moment, not even any of the companion sex scenes.

For me, the party fling makes sense story-wise. These people have been implanted with an alien tadpole against their will, have been through hell and back (literally), have been thrown together into an extraordinary situation, and haven't had a moment's rest from all the fighting. Finally, something goes right for them, they save a bunch of people, and get to unwind and forget their problems just for a night in a nice atmosphere. Well OF COURSE some of them are horny. :P Sex is, after all, a natural human behaviour, the party is a good excuse to explore that as part of the story, and each of the companions' scenes reveals something about them as well.

In theory, it does make sense story wise. However, the presentation is poor. They all focus on trying to get with me. It would make sense if some were interested in me and others were interested in each other instead. At the very least, some basic flirting should be required (and if it is NOT done then they will mercifully leave you alone). The party as it is serves as a very stark reminder that I am playing a video game rather than interacting with real people.

This also ties into the fact that I dislike player-sexual companions in general.