Blurg the level 5 Hobgoblin Wizard has way more spell slots than a level 5 Wizard would. 8 / 6 / 4.

And his attributes are 16 / 12 / 14 / 18 / 14 / 14.

I really don't like this kind of design. Hopefully he is supposed to be higher level or something and all the stats are just randomly thrown in for placeholder. It's super annoying your PC Wizard "hero" has to scrape by with a reasonable 27 point buy while a random hobgoblin NPC of the same level has much higher stats and extra spell slots.

Blurg also has an "extra action point" so he could probably cast two spells per turn in a fight. Now.. is there an even bigger homebrew bomb ticking somewhere? Is Larian going to give extra action points at higher levels and throw D&D even more out of whack than they already have?