Originally Posted by grysqrl
In my eyes, the biggest difference between the home-brewing in Solasta and BG3 is that in Solasta, the home-brewed stuff tends to make the PCs more interesting and unique in their skill sets and in BG3, the home-brewed stuff tends to make all of the characters feel the same because they overshadow or obsolete class features.

If the home-brew in Solasta makes the characters OP (I don't agree that it does), then it can be fixed with any number of balancing techniques. It doesn't really matter if the BG3 home-brew makes the characters over- or under-powered, because it made them boring, which is far worse.

This feels very subjective in regards to a distinction. Can you provide me with some examples of BG3 Home Brew that makes all the characters feel the same? I think disengage BA is the only one I can think of. What other examples of Homebrew do you mean?

What balancing techniques do you feel would fix the overpowered Solasta characters?
