Originally Posted by Wormerine
Originally Posted by Tuco
but reading people describing it as their favorite game ever is vaguely bizarre.
Why? PoE fans from my experience tend to be very well aware games shortcomings - the most passionate fans I interacted with, also tended to be the most critical. PoE1&2 are easily among my favourite games in recent years, though they both could be much better - that’s one of the main reasons I hope that, after a break and rethinking, Obsidian will attempt another one. There is room for improvement, but I like overall direction and underlying goals. I played both games multiple times, and I am itching to do another run. And I must say, I enjoy those games more and more with each playthrough, in spite of their flaws. They are interestingly flawed games, at least to me.

Unfortunately, they seem to land in this awkward niche space that doesn’t satisfy people who actually like DnD systems (aka. Kingmaker) and doesn’t manage to bring newcomers in large numbers
Well said. I also consider both PoE games among my most favorite cRPGs, and games I will replay for years. Yes they have flaws, but that is to be expected when someone is developing an entirely new game mechanics system from scratch. But most importantly for me, the setting and lore of the games is fantastic and really interesting and I cannot wait to play more in that setting.