I made a post about this on the Discord feedback page, but I'll post my concern here as well.

Restricting the Long Rest system is good. It is a necessary evil. However, unless they are very careful, the system could result in a softlocked save state. If you require a resource to be consumed in order for your player to heal or regain expended abilities, you run the risk of that player running out in the middle of a long expedition. If you are lost in a dungeon and you don't have enough supplies to fight your way back out, and you saved recently, you are SOL.

A softlocked save state can ruin a player's entire experience with a game. Back in the original release of Final Fantasy X, there was a situation your could get into where you were stuck on your airship. If you left your airship, there was a boss fight with a Doom Mechanic. So you could just get party whiped if you couldn't kill the boss fast enough. However you couldn't fly away either because of story limitations. So if you weren't a high enough level, your save was dead.

This isn't as extreme as that. But it's not an unrealistic outcome either. And the options of Game Over or Lose 3 hours of progress, can and will be a major turnoff for the more casual players. There are plenty of ways the developers can implement to combat this. And we have not put our hands on the system yet, so it could be a moot point. But the last thing we want to do is create a situation that could potentially cause players to walk away from the game. We need to make sure there are sufficient safety nets in place. Be it scavenging skills, partial restorations, or even a Pokémon style Escape Rope.