Overall, great improvement patch, so hats off to the boys at Larian for that. Hope they continue on this route. But please oh please finish wizard so you can get rid of the silly learning any spell from scrolls thing. It is a tad immersion breaking for that class, at least for me. But currently that is my only gripe with it. Also, is it me or have they also mostly fixed guiding bolt? it seems to hit a lot more consistently now. Although when shooting it up at someone you still usually get 42 % hit chance only xD. that might need a bit tweaking still.

Having disengage as a action makes it feel so much more tactical and such. Maybe watching Solasta inspired them a bit to try harder to get the core ruleset right? As some things kinda feel like a nod to how solasta implemented things. (might not be though). But overall I love the fact encumbrance matters, that enemies have weight now (so no tossing dragons as a halfling haha).