Originally Posted by alice_ashpool
this is so unnecessarily passive-aggressive towards someone who doesn't want to play video games the way you think they should play them.
To be honest it isn't about how anyone feels the game should be played vs how you think it should be played, it is about debating how we get to being closer to D&D /BG1&2 mechanics and feeling. BG1&2 added risk to resting, you felt you had to rest because of fatigue (on top of spell slots and HP), but do it in the wilderness and you ran the risk of an encounter. There was no easy mode (that I remember).

Again, the system of gathering food and consuming it to rest "might" be annoying to some and that's fine, I am not here to tell anyone what they enjoy or don't, but I will defend the principle of the game having tighter mechanics around resting so that the Meta for the game doesn't become 3x Mage and 1x Cleric for click and win. D&D is balanced around those who can travel further and fight longer vs those with insane power, but who need to rest. Take away that balance and what is the point?

Frankly on top of reducing food in the wilderness, I would even add fatigue back into the series, because whilst you're resting constantly, I'm not resting at all and missing all the cut scenes (now I know that I should rest to see them, but new players won't), but that's just me.

Regardless, the EA for me should represent the "Normal" level, include as many mechanics as possible for us to test and debate and IF you want an EASY mode going forward, that's fine, but that shouldn't be part of EA at this stage IMVHO.

Last edited by Riandor; 16/07/21 11:24 PM.