Originally Posted by Stabbey
Originally Posted by Balbaroy
I would like to see variant human too but since now there aren't many feat I wouldn't rush it.

About some people suggestion of adding feat for everyone or Tasha's racial changes... I personally HATE IT.
IMO it breaks the immersion by removing races personality, it moves the game on the direction of WoW level of High fantasy. I mean, an 90cm gnome having the same potencial with a 2h sword as a 210cm Half-Orc!?

Of all the things which differentiate races in D&D, the ability score bonus is the least interesting and the least impactful thing.

Additionally, ALL races have the same maximum potential: 20. It's only a matter of how many ASI's you have to spend. More importantly, no one is going to force you into making a 90 cm gnome with 17 STR at level 1.

But if I decide that my character is a gnome, from a young age, who was tired of being seen by others as weak and ineffective, and so they threw themself tirelessly into training every day so that they can use that 2H sword, why can't they start out with a +2 STR instead of +2 INT? How does that spoil your fun if I can play my +2 STR gnome in my game?

The racial ability score modifiers are more impactful for rolled stats imo, but they are part and parcel with the other racial attributes like low light vision, High elf cantrips etc. so they should stay.
A gnome that dedicates himself to strength training can still be strong, but certain things like size and bone structure make it a much more uphill battle for him than it would be for a human or a half orc.
And seeing how this is a multiplayer game, how other people play within the rules does affect us.

Last edited by Rlyeh; 22/07/21 08:44 PM.