Originally Posted by TheHero
And thats the kind of conversation i wanted to kick off.

We Humans have to learn allways and try to get better.
And for this game i really like it to succeed without having to worry about tropes and other stupidities from the past decades in our modern world.

And for those guys who just read my lines and forgot to check the link to article, you dont need to judge, nobodys attacking your ways of believe, just fully inform yourself and be patient.
Maybe think about a better place this world could be in the coming years when everybody starts to realize that words can be weapons and therefore need to be used carefully.

For the community of people who enjoy a lot time in playing computergames i would really like to get rid of the typical view on us as beeing "nerdy" guys or the real hurter when games are made responsible for another Amok run.
Games are a place for relaxing time , to meet friends have fun and be overall connected with the same hobby we have.

I dont want to be a part of something which isnt able to learn and make things better.
I can learn to change and you can too.

PS: I play since i got my C64 around mid 80ies last century. so i played a lot of games until today.
There where a lot of Years where games were made responisble for every bad thing happened.
Games where forbidden for sometimes only showing pixels explode which wherent even really recognizable as humanoids without huge imagination.
Today you can see the most brutal executions in most every shooter or other similar games where you murder npc humans or other races in the thousands or millions sometimes in the goriest fashion you can imagine.
Still game can be released, not forbidden.
Today we look on the words, which is a sign that humans learn and change.

Look if you're just full of shame because of how you think "nerds" are perceived, that's honestly your personal problem to deal with, not anyone else's. Don't demand others change what they like in order to suit your own wants.

And yes, this line of logic is no different from "video games cause mass shootings". Just replace Jack Thompson going on about "mass shootings" with "racism" and there you have your logic. There's no proof that Drow being generally evil makes people more racist. And as long as that is the case, you are not being a moral person for demanding writers change their work.

Last edited by backstabbath; 03/08/21 07:38 PM.