Originally Posted by backstabbath
So if I told you that Drow are not necessarily evil and if one simply chose not to worship Lolth they wouldn't be predisposed to evil at all, you'd be totally cool with how Drow are presented, like you're cool with how demons are?

EDIT: It should be said through that Asmodeus isn't a Celestial and never was. At least in 2e, he was one of the serpents which created the universe and posed as a celestial for a time after his fall. And your suggestion that a demon may transform into something else if its alignment changes is not, as far as I'm aware, how it works in Forgotten Realms.

I was speaking of Zariel.

And yes, and as far as I know that's the ongoing plan WotC has. I saw an article that depicted at least two more societies of drow that are not Lloth worshippers and it looks like RA Salvatore will be writing a novel featuring one of those societies.

It is the difference of acknowledging terrible people and terrible societies exist from the practice of stating "oh that's just how it is"

I'm not asking to changing Lloth.

Lloth is a homicidal freak... and the people that follow her are no better.

But drow are getting the nuance fine. Would be nice to see similar nuance in the orcs and goblins. And they do in other settings... it's just the supposed flagship setting of Faerun... excuse me Sword Coast (we haven't seen much outside the Sword Coast in ages) that still lacks a bit of nuance for those species.

Like, I'd love to see an entire adventure set dealing with Maglubiyet's desire to become the one-true god.... and maybe have some other goblins and hobgoblins come out of that.

There's LOTS of empty space in the Sword Coast, plenty of space for a reasonable society of goblinoids to rise up without being immediately hostile.

Last edited by Thrythlind; 03/08/21 08:07 PM.