Originally Posted by backstabbath
Originally Posted by Thrythlind
Originally Posted by backstabbath
I honestly can't tell if the OP is a troll. Unironically posting a Polygon article about how the Drizzt books are racist, even though Drizzt himself is literally proof that Drow aren't necessarily bad, makes me think they are.

In the off-chance this isn't a troll, why is it racist if a society that largely worships a demon spider god is generally not good-aligned?

Yeah, I'm not completely positive of the OP either, I only engaged when other people responded.

In the case of Lloth, Lloth is a homicidal manipulator and people following her are no better, but again, there's a difference between depicting X society as horrible vs depicting X species as horrible. Like no one is going to take Thay as proof all humans are evil because there's plenty of non-horrible humans. But drow, orcs, and goblins have a problem that they have very little diversity of culture depicted.

Personally, I find default Lloth sort of boring, she plays sims with her worshippers and likes just getting them killed for her amusement. I am much more interested in Vhaerun and Eilistraee whose followings are still simple fantasy semblances of real cultures, but are significantly more nuanced than Lloth's following.

The current plan I've seen with drow is to portray a few other side cultures that are not Lloth-oriented.

I'd similarly like to see a thing like that for Goblins and Orcs... displaying some settlements of Goblins that aren't part of Maglubiyet's dominance or aren't buying into Gruumsh and co's crusade.

Again, there's a difference between portraying the existence of racism in a fictional setting and in building a setting toward racist philosophies.
How about we have demons and devils who aren't evil too? Why can't we have a society of demons who don't live in the abyss and don't want to take anyone's souls? Must they be forever defined by Orcus? Having demons only be evil is so lazy and boring!

The satire implied by this is exactly why I find Tieflings to be a stupid and tiresome idea for a player race.