Originally Posted by ArvGuy
Obviously you can make the choice to not care what people tell you, but consider the consequences if we build a society on the foundation that nobody cares about anyone other than themselves, nobody has the time of day for any opinion other than their own, and nobody has an emotional investment in anyone other than themselves.
Not caring about insults does not necessarily mean not caring about anything. Why choose to give others the power to hurt with mere words?
I did not suggest any change of behaviour for the perpetrators of insults or negative tropes because my suggestion was aimed at those recieving such verbal negativity.

Originally Posted by ArvGuy
Assume that you intended to do not harm but you've found out that a thing you do actually does cause some harm anyway. What do you do? Do you keep doing it or do you change it to hopefully cause less harm?
If the harm is purely psychological and subject to the cooperation of the harmed person to be harmed... I probably wouldn't bother. We need to get offended from time to time in order to learn how to handle it. Just like children need a bit of rough playing to figure out the limits of their physical capabilites.

Originally Posted by ArvGuy
The basic premise is, would you let babies play with live hand grenades? Or would you try and not let them have live hand grenades?
We were talking about censorship. How would censorship of information prevent babies from aquiring hand grenades?
Let's make it a bit more realistic. If you want to stretch the idea of censorship really far you could argue that it would be censorship not to tell your 3 year old son the code to the weapons safe.
Is that really censorship or is it taking the concept too far?

I sometimes use thought experiments. I don't necessarily believe in every idea I post for discussion on this forum