Originally Posted by Blackheifer
I think what I am getting at is I do NOT see the Drow as ever representing any POC (people of color) group. I would argue that the Drow don't represent ANY race - or if they do they represent a subset of Caucasians. From my observations and reading they seem to represent Neo-fascism and Nazism with some modifications to make it a little less obvious to some.

Why does a fictional society need to represent anything?

Originally Posted by Blackheifer
Additional proofs:
-The Drow practice eugenics and racial engineering with the goal being superficial beauty markers that dictate social class and give advantage against others.
-Economic and social participation is sanctioned by the church.
-Duty, elevation and conquest are central to the Drow which is lifted straight from La dottrina del fascismo (The Doctrine of Facism)
-Drow society rejects the individual and individualism.
-The Drow routinely mutilate, torture, murder and enslave those they consider enemies of the state and unacceptable lesser races.

Again, this is just my analysis - other people may come to different conclusions

The whole idea of eugenics came up long before Fascism. Traces of it can be found with the spartans, Morus, Bacon... reaching a height in the late 19th and early 20th century. La dottrina del fascismo was published in 1932.
The church determining social and economic participation also predates fascism and was at its height of influence long before fascism. This is especially true for german fascism which soon left the style of fascism imagined in italy.
Duty and conquest in the name of god can be traced back at least to the rashidun caliphate or the crusades. I am no specialist for scythian, mongol and aztec history but I wouldn't be surprised to find similar concepts there.
A rejection of individualism and subservience to the state/community is on clear display in various greek poleis of the classical period. It reappears in various societies throughout history with examples reaching from monastic military orders to fascist regimes.
Slavery is an ancient global phenomenon. Over time it appeared in japan (from the yamato period onward), Ancient Rome, the Umayad Caliphate and the arab slave trade, the european colonies, the Ottoman Empire, the aztecs...

I can see the parallels between drow society and fascism of a clerical sort but I wouldn't call it true. It is an interpretation of a fictional society. What is important is to think about such parallels and various alternatives and thus develop a better understanding of the concepts. I can't read the mind of the authors responsible for creating the drow. And even if they all had the same in mind their creation can be interpreted in various ways.
Drow society combines various cultural extremes found in reality but that does not mean that it must represent one particular ideology or race. It is not a definitive representation of one ethnicity or one ideology and as such cannot be taken to be racist towards one group or aimed at one ideology. It stands on its own as part of a fictional universe. That is where it belongs.

I sometimes use thought experiments. I don't necessarily believe in every idea I post for discussion on this forum