I just give up, I really don't want to continue this. Should have knownn better.
I can feel your pain ... You have my sympathies.
Yeah, thanks. I'm not trying that again. There are people, who really need some real life, instead of internet adult content.
Offtopic and with that logic this game should not have any romanceable with companions.
I have never said that wife, husband, girfriend or boyfriend is wrong to have. Lol with that like of why is there romance in the BG3 play? You can even find on Internet using google: Baldur's Gate 3 romance guide: All romanceable companions ..
I can tell you that on average women like more romance then most men do. Men might say they like romance and some do of course others lie and like the xxx part. There are also some women that do not care anything about romance part, but are ok with adult side of doing with men.
My brother have wife and 3 very young children and he still like The Witcher 3 and he like very much it has adult content. I do not have children or wife, but a girlfriend from Tinder.
On topic. I want more more like Elves in OP or Tolkien High Elf.