The height and angle of eyes, Tolkien vs D&D, anomalies of either, does not matter. D&D elves are described as slender and graceful with fine features, with no facial hair and little body hair. Most importantly...this is the universally held stereotype of elves. What most people expect to see and want to roleplay as.

Compared to half-elves, elves (including drows - who really should be made a subrace elf instead of a separate race entirely), and in particular male elves, undeniably lack their fabled slender grace and fine features. We are presented with the opposite in fact; weird symmetries, smallish eyes contrasted by jutting jawlines. Even a "duck face" or two. Apart from the longer ears, the elves definitely look closer to humans (including the human racial variants for elves, but strangely not for half-elves) than half-elves who are much more "fey-like" and delicate.

Is this a big issue? Not relative some other topics. But it obviously matters quite a bit for the many who prefers to play elves (traditionally the second most popular race after humans). Personally speaking, I doubt I would even play an elf given the current roster.