My personal hope for the game is that the writers create their characters, design their appearance, and integrate their stories without listening to any input from the players. People clamoring for adding Halsin to the party because he is a big hawt druid and demanding Minthara be hotter because she titillated some of subset of players with a nip shot is just ridiculous.

The same players who preach and whine about female characters needing to hotter and angrily posting about game devs bowing to the “woke mob” see no issue with demanding those same devs bow to their demands for hotter women? Seriously? I call hypocrisy. I find both points of view to be nothing more than a demand for writers to ignore their own creative impulses to please some immature howlers who think they know best “how it ought to be”.

Want some hawt animated chars to drool over? Write a fanfic or create a mod. But demanding the creators of a game change a story or a char to please you? It is beyond childish and entitled.

I saw how Bioware totally destroyed the lore of the templar order to make Cullen romance-able. I personally do not want to see Larian make side chars like Minthara and Halsin more important than they are to please a subset of their playerbase. It will be nothing but hackneyed writing if they do it, and it will show.