Originally Posted by KeinSklave
This wierd "Drama" everytime about how we succeed the dice-rolls.
Larian doesn't have it easy with the playerbase sometimes.
Really man, who cares how we win?

As if someone with a goldmedal awaits us if we do it the "right" way. As if.

This Thread was not about save scumming nor about how player intend to play this game. Personally I am rather one of those guys waiting for an Ironman mode but with the current stability and the frequent crashes it's not possible yet but that's an entirely different issue.

What this Thread is about is balancing. "Friends" and "Charm Person" feel overpowered during dialogs for me. And a look on the DnD5e rules proofed me right that Larian intentionally or not (I don't know) decided to drop the drawbacks. This Thread is about discussing whether it is a common feeling among other players as well and whether it might be a good idea to nerv these spells in some way. That doesn't necessarily mean to do the exact thing mentioned in the spell description in the DnD5e rules, after all this is video game.