Weclome home thread! Well done!

heheh yeah, this one is a doozy. I mean I didn't really remember D&D being quite so polarizing or such a bastion for casual chauvinism even just a few years ago, put perhaps that's just me being naïve? I suppose eventually it'll probably break into two things, and two audiences with incessantly warring factions, like everything else in modern culture.

Just to be clear, I really wouldn't care at all if they've decided that's the new deal with Minthara, and she's just supposed to be like Mintharus now or something? I still think they'd be cooler with Black Armor regardless. But if that is the plan, it certainly seems like throwing a stick of dynamite onto a pile of woodchips and gasoline soaked rags at this point, just given the response to other games that tried to do something similar without putting sufficient thought into it. Such things shouldn't come across as an inclusivity afterthought, or as a last minute bait and switch. I mean they could do it, but you know it would probably activate like every troll sleeper cell on the internet and turn this place into an instant nightmare like the steam forums. Sometimes ill advised things are done purely to garner publicity, so who knows, but I suspect it was probably just a goof and the next patch will probably revert to the old appearance. Or maybe show off a new one? I still think Black armor is the ticket, come what may.

If they did do that though, like they just made Minthara hella butch purely to break Onemanarmy's heart lol? It seems kinda capricious, but also funny cause like obviously that would be the one thing Larian read in the entire feedback section and decided to go thermonuclear option mad with it? Just give us some black armor to loot, and I'm with whatever. Doubtless there will be other drow down the line to pine for. I mean one could hope

Last edited by Black_Elk; 19/08/21 12:22 AM.