Wonder if Larian is going to try to balance the Sorcerer or keep them as is in the PHB? The original Sorcerer subclasses knows a brutally small amount of spells - 5 total at 4th level.

WoTC have recently started giving the new Sorcerer Subclasses the equivalent of swappable Domain Spells to balance this out - i.e. the Clockwork Soul & Aberrant Mind in Tasha's.

I know even Solasta also added in "Domain spells" for Sorcerers to give them more, following in Tasha's footsteps.


While I agree the Sorcerer on its own isn't very complex - what I'm hoping for in this patch is the fact that because now that we have both Sorcs and Wizards, Larian's gotta start fixing the current loosey goosey magic system to properly establish the differences between the 2 classes. I.e. are Wizards going to continue to be able to learn Cleric spells? Or switch them on the fly? Hoping they'd address that.

If it's kept the same, there's almost no reason to play a Sorcerer.

Last edited by Topgoon; 07/10/21 05:00 PM.