Originally Posted by mrfuji3
Originally Posted by DragonSnooz
Salami as an improvised weapon shouldn't really change anything about the game overall. And sorcerer has had data-mined spells for a while now, so I think it's more of a put out a new class sooner than later. A shift away from classes by order of difficulty. Also, after druid are any classes really that difficult? They should be mostly equivalent.
Bards in particular are probably difficult. People have determined that expertise is in the game, sure, but two big bardic features are reactions and bardic inspiration. Inspiration is particularly tricky: is it a separate icon (clunky)? Is it just automatically applied on your next d20 roll (weak)? Does it open a pop-up prompt with every d20 roll until you use it (seemingly against Larian's philosophy)? Does it apply to all d20 rolls made in the next round? Implementing bard isn't difficult in a technical sense, but it very much involves complicated decisions that might affect other systems.
I can see bard having long meetings about design, same as we've been waiting for an update on reactions.