Originally Posted by Blade238
Originally Posted by fallenj
You realize Larian on there previous two games had worked far beyond official release fixing bugs and balancing. They'll eventually make a remastered version a few years later and even after that fix more junk.
You realize that's a large part the issue? They sold an EA for that very purpose, but then did nothing with it. It's probably one of the worst EA I've been a part of. The fact that they'll release a "remastered" version akin to DOS2 is asinine when it would have been resolved with the EA. Furthermore, it's a "remaster" (I use that term very lightly), which roughly translates to any of the issues beyond bug fixing goes unaltered. You know, the stuff that could, with feedback prior to the actual release, be altered?

Hell, how has Skyrim's multiple remasters gone? They did a worse job than many mods did years beforehand and then never fixed the damn bugs and issues that modders fixed shortly after release

That is so true and without mods some of Skyrim's bugs are still there in the game and have yet to be fixed. As for me, I will watch the From hell video that they put out and read through the update notes to see what has been updated. And if it's worth taking the time to play through again with what they gave added. Now if they would have given us the Paladin I would have definitely played through it because that is a class I'm interested in. I for one will admit that the game so far isn't all that bad but the weapons and armor haven't been all that great. Take the Drow blade you find in the Underdark only thing special about is it's a +1 weapon. I mean really that is all they could come up with?