Originally Posted by Tuco
Every D&D game so far that allowed for a party ranged from 1 to 6 characters

Every DnD game like NWN1, NWN2 and Solasta? Some games had a party of 6, and those are extremely outdated and also not even TB like BG3.

Originally Posted by Tuco
starting precisely with the two previous Baldur's Gate games, had to face the same exact "problem" of being capped with the exp/level at some point and it was never a particularly limiting factor
Not even for playing SOLO, let alone for having an oscillation of one or two party members. Some players enjoyed the added challenge and weren't particularly troubled by it, others went for the bigger party because liked to manage more characters.

You literally just confirmed my point. Playing with 4 people in a game designed for 6 will screw the balance for these people. Having a smaller party shouldn't be an added challenge, because many people just like smaller parties and don't want to suffer for that.

Originally Posted by Tuco
It's a fake problem you are advocating for just for the sake of being petulant about an "issue" that wouldn't even affect you to any degree.

It will, because I want an enjoyable experience with balanced diffciluty for 4 and 2 person parties. I played BG1,2, Pathfinder, Pillars, and I know that having less than 6 people in your party skews the balance and makes the game not enjoyable.

Originally Posted by Tuco
Also, the very assumption that turn-based combat would make HARDER to manage more characters is a load of bullshit, especially when it's most likely the opposite. Josh Sawyer himself went on record saying that if POE II was designed to be turn-based from the get go he probably wouldn't have lowered the party size to 5 and mentioned as an example Battle Brothers being great with a default party of 12 characters.

First of all, not harder, but more frustrating considering. Then, Josh Sawyer never designed a successful TB title, I can't even remember a single TB game he actually made aside from unreleased Fallout Van Buren. And he isn't a god of rpgs anyway, his PoE series flopped in the end so hard there will be no PoE3 like the first two. Also Battle Brothers isn't even a DnD RPG, it's a strategy game rather than a DnD RPG like BG3, it has a different system. Like X-COM plays nicely with 6 person party because their system is different and tailored for that type of game. In BG3 larger combats (druid grove, duergar civil war) already are sloggish and boring with just 4 people.