Im much more disappointed about:
- thigs we still are missing on those 4 levels we have (like pacts for Warlock, spells for casters, weapons for everyone, the fact that there are only one generic armor per type, druid having the same limited options in shapeshifting without any option to learn another, etc.) ...
- things we have, but they dont work (like Devil's Sight, Loviathar's Scourge mace, etc.) ...
- things we have, are working by Larian design, but people wanted them changed (Action / bonus action ... there is lot of topics on this, so i will not even try to list them, but Shove can work as perfect example for all) ...
- and finaly things we have, was working by Larian design, at least some of us liked them as they were, but they were changed for worse (perfect example here is Action bar ... litteraly cant imagine anyone who would be happy about its reduction)

Seem kinda ridiculous to build something on broken basics. :-/
I would dare to say that until those things are fixed, it would be misstake from Larian to start looking for next level ... wich would mean another bunch of problems.

Last edited by RagnarokCzD; 21/10/21 11:21 AM.

I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings. frown
Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are! frown