All right. You know what? I stand corrected. I'm willing to admit that I'm wrong. I read someone's comments at some point that said that she was wearing the symbol of Shar on her starter armor, and I think I just accepted that and thought, "That's dumb." Then I began to associate the starter armor with that picture on the title screens. Which, if they're trying to create a "Is she a cleric of whoever?" mystery they need to take some of those images down. It really creates spoilers.

But, anyway, upon further examining the armor at length, it occurred to me that you are absolutely right. The armor isn't displaying Shar's symbols at all. It is a black circle with golden lines that almost looks like the symbol of Lathander. It looks like a rising sun between two hills. The circlet also just has a black onyx gemstone.

But Shar's symbol specifically is that of a black disk with a deep purple border. Shadowheart is not wearing anything like that at all. Interesting.

Still, back on topic, it would be good for there to be some dialogue. "What deity do you serve?"

"I serve Lathander, the Sun God," Shadowheart replies gesturing at the symbol on her chest. "The golden lines symbolize how the sun's rays cut through the shadows of night."

Then new players would accept her as a cleric of Lathander and then be surprised when they find out she's not. Then, at some point, when Shar and Selune are being discussed, BEFORE the Shadowheart secret reveal, Shar should be explained as an evil goddess of trickery and deception and of darkness and loss. Her cult is terrible, and they have abused people for centuries on end. They are secretive and little is truly known about their ways. They are very dangerous, and so on and so forth.