Originally Posted by Niara
Originally Posted by JandK
If you had to hazard a guess, how many pieces of onyx would say have been in been in DnD modules over the years, including official treasure tables? How many of those pieces do you think have been mentioned as fashioned into jewelry?

I can field that one:

Not many, in fact. Very few instances are specifically identified as such, and the vast majority of those that are marked so are in the possession of dark characters, or characters with dark intentions or purposes. It is, indeed, a stone that can appear on random treasure tables for gemstones, certainly, but in terms of actually identified stones or jewellery in official modules? Very few that aren't in the keeping of evil or dark purposed characters.

You didn't field that. "Not many" is not an amount; it's a guess.

Depending on how many editions back you go, there's an enormous amount. It would take me weeks to go through all of my modules and old books.