My personal impression is that there is something going on which I nowadays call "the heavymetalization of games". Everything has to be dark and "mature" (as if housework was NOT a mature work), with the claim that something is "mature" only meaning "mature = dark, brutal, cynism, no colours, murder, dirt, blood fountains, violence, and especially violence". Nobody is actually interested in the fact that washing dishes is a "mature" work.

What "mature" here means is an highly idealizd form of "what people believe is mature".
Dishwashing and dirty diapers is not a part of this highly idealized form of the term "mature".
Cleaning up after someone had been vomiting after drinking too much isn't considered "mature" as well.
Bringing the own family member into hospital after a severe injury after curring trees' branches isn't considered as "mature" as well.
Trying to help the own child after it has been bullied isn't considered "mature" as well.
Trying to help the own grandfather or grandmother after he or she has been diagnosed with Parkinson or even with Dementia isn't considered as "mature" as well.
Researching where the own grand-cousin died in the last war and where he might be buried is not considered "mature" as well.

But rolling heads are.

See the gap between both ? Between Reality and the idealized version of "maturity" ?

REAL "mature" problems do NEVER appear in games. NEVER.
Except for Divinity 1, because it had dish-washing.
Over which a LOT of people moaned.

Last edited by AlrikFassbauer; 23/10/21 11:34 AM.

When you find a big kettle of crazy, it's best not to stir it.
--Dilbert cartoon

"Interplay.some zombiefied unlife thing going on there" - skavenhorde at RPGWatch