Originally Posted by IrenicusBG3
Originally Posted by Etruscan
Nonsense.it's fairly obvious from the outset that Minsc is mentally incapacitated. So, in a sense, it's in keeping with Minsc's character to have such delusional fantasies. In some respects it quite endearing but also fundamentally sad.

Exactly. Some people just have problems understanding things in context, or are simply tone-deaf. There is only so much you can do.
Quite ironic that you call posters tone-deaf for simply disagreeing with you, because Minsc never outgrows his characterization from BG1, where his simple mind get treated the same as Khalid's anxiety or Tiax's delusions - something to turn into a joke. Oh, but as an added bonus in BG2 Boo squeaks in response to Minsc in dialogues. Unsurprising, since this character concept was originally created by a teenager: