Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
Seems to me like there is a lot of discuission about this topic ... and the answer isnt far so clear as you put it ...
Yes i know there is litteraly written rule about this, but i also know that there is A LOT of people who are ignoring this rule ...
I'm skeptical of this. You personally know an all-caps LOT of people who ignore this rule for Quicken and Haste specifically? Because I haven't seen much evidence on the forums of this, and one of the most basic and strongest guidelines about homebrew is that you shouldn't mess with the action economy.

I have seen posts from people who allow normal bonus action spells to be cast with leveled spells (are you referring to these people?), but they exempt Quickened bonus action spells from this allowance. And many other posters argue against that homebrew, saying it's unbalanced. I've seen no posts from people who allow Hasted characters to cast another spell in their tabletop games. Unless you're saying you do, in which case 1 person is still not "A LOT."

Anyways, this is off-topic. The point is that level 5 will show how broken (or not) this implementation is. If you like this implementation, you should want level 5 to be released to prove that "it's balanced." If you think this implementation is unbalanced you should also want level 5 in order to prove it.