Originally Posted by JandK
Originally Posted by mrfuji3
If players can reach (and finish) SH's reveal scene without realizing exactly what type of goddess Shar is, that's a problem.

I don't see why. No one would ever join Shar's cult if everyone had one view of the goddess beaten into their heads.

Seems to me that the game would play out perfectly fine if a player initially thought Shar is "a goddess who some people think may be evil and who is at war with another goddess." Then, as the game continues, more scenes develop and more information is revealed, and eventually, the player learns more and gets a better understanding.

Why does that progression break the game?
I'm sorry, but didn't you accept that Shar is an objectively evil goddess a few posts above? I thought we were past this point.

People don't join Shar's religion thinking "she's just misunderstood, but is actually good". She exploits people at their most vulnerable, stoking their grief and anger and desire for vengeance. Or her worshippers are those that truly belief that all life should be snuffed out. Or are just using the hierarchy of her religion for their own greed/sadism. Shar's goal is the eradication of warmth and life in the universe. And regardless of how people in her faith view her, she is widely known to be an evil goddess, so much so that her worshippers are forced to work in secret. Deities are real in D&D; it's not like it is in our world where people can easily argue about which God is the True God and what are his/her tenets.

Our characters, growing up in the Sword Coast, should know these facts. Now, maybe your Tav agrees with Sharran philosophy. Or maybe not. Either is fine! But the game should make sure to explain the general knowledge about Shar to the player, so that we can make informed choices roleplaying as Tav.

tl;dr: The game should explain the general view society has of Shar & Sharrans to us - the player - because Tav would know this.

Last edited by mrfuji3; 24/10/21 06:32 PM.